IPBA 2022 - The 6th Annual Conference of the International Place Branding Association

The Sixth Annual Conference of the International Place Branding Association (IPBA) will be hosted on 12-14 October 2022, by the Institut de Management Public et Gouvernance Territoriale in Aix-en-Provence, France.

The conference invites scholars and practitioners to submit abstracts and cases for inclusion in the conference programme; doctoral candidates to submit presentations to the doctoral colloquium; and scholars, researchers, practitioners, students and artists to submit Place Branding-inspired artistic work for presentation at a special session called the ‘IPBA Art Gallery’.

The conference intends to be inclusive of good quality papers and presentations that cover a wide range of topics, but particularly welcomes contributions that:

  • Advance the theoretical understanding of the field incorporating cross-disciplinary knowledge.

  • Use multiple, comparative case studies that reflect on cross-case conclusions.

  • Advance the clarification of major concepts (e.g. place marketing vs. place branding vs. place promotion vs. diplomacy).

  • Explore and analyse the differences between major application fields (e.g. tourism vs. resident attachment vs. investment attraction) and/or major place scales (cities vs. regions vs. nations).

  • Critically examine the use and potential of digital technologies and social and mainstream media in place branding.

  • Elaborate on the role of identity, history and heritage in the branding of places.

  • Examine the role of creativity and innovation in place branding strategies.

  • Analyse the significance of stakeholder engagement for effective place branding and methods to facilitate it.

  • Detail a potential future research agenda for place branding.

  • Branding local food and culture; geographical indications; gastronomy in destination branding; culinary and cultural diplomacy.

  • Country of origin effects; destination branding; soft power; branding for talent attraction and investment promotion.

  • Place branding and cross border areas.

  • Place branding and sustainable development.

  • Place branding and the arts: discussing creativity and converging artistic and social vision(s) by listening to the plurality of voices during the times of crisis.

  • Practitioners’ learnings (from policy makers or consultants) based on cases or applied research.

Important dates


Submission of abstracts / full papers / cases /presentations / artwork deadline - June 5

Feedback to authors - July 15

Resubmission of papers / cases / artwork deadline - August 15


Early Bird Registration closing date - August 15

Registration closing date - September 15


October 12-14


Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/IPBApage/

Twitter: www.twitter.com/IPBA_Conf

IPBA website: www.placebranding.org

Conference Website: https://ipba.sciencesconf.org/
